Fish & chips shop in York

Cafe Restaurant Bar/York/Fish & chips shop in York

Our directory includes 9 Fish & chips shop in York. We only list verified local companies in York. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Fish & chips shop in York near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the UK Foodie.

Micklegate Fisheries

93 Micklegate
+44 1904 623007

Millers Fish & Chips

55 The Village
+44 1904 769169
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Acomb Mega Chippy

218-220 Gale Ln
+44 1904 793511

Blue Anchor

49 Blossom St
+44 1904 927050
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The Fisherman’s Wife Fish & Chips, York

1 Ebor St
+44 1904 634114
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Laucia Fisheries

14 Bondgate

Drake’s Fish & Chips

97 Low Petergate
+44 1904 624788
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The Fisherman’s Wife

St Nicholas Ave
+44 1904 625626
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The Sea Catcher

Clarence St
+44 1904 637208
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