Fish & chips shop in Newcastle upon Tyne

Cafe Restaurant Bar/Newcastle upon Tyne/Fish & chips shop in Newcastle upon Tyne

Our directory includes 6 Fish & chips shop in Newcastle upon Tyne. We only list verified local companies in Newcastle upon Tyne. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Fish & chips shop in Newcastle upon Tyne near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the UK Foodie.

SGF FISH & CHIPS at westmoor

93 Great Lime Rd
+44 191 268 4508
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George’s Fish Shack, Newcastle

George's Fish Shack, Greys Quarter, Eldon Square
+44 191 261 6333
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Whickham Fish Kitchen

Back Row

Canny Cod

1 Cross Morpeth St
+44 191 221 1664
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Gormans At Westerhope

Industrial Estate, 1 Redburn Rd
+44 191 286 9770
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Maguires Fish & Chips and Sugar and Sprinkles

Hexham Rd
+44 191 488 8880
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