Bakery in Keighley

Cafe Restaurant Bar/Keighley/Bakery in Keighley

Our directory includes 8 Bakery in Keighley. We only list verified local companies in Keighley. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Bakery in Keighley near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the UK Foodie.

Grandma Wilds

Millennium Business Park/Station Rd
+44 1535 650500
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Nafees Bakers & Sweets Keighley

45 Bradford St
+44 1535 603338
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58 Towngate
+44 1535 605105
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36 Low St
+44 1535 604681
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50 Highfield Ln
+44 7947 867865

Wilds Bakery

47 Haworth Rd
+44 1535 648856


Low St
+44 1535 604411

Hills Bakery

29 Kirkgate
+44 1535 652840

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