Bakery in Harlow

Cafe Restaurant Bar/Harlow/Bakery in Harlow

Our directory includes 5 Bakery in Harlow. We only list verified local companies in Harlow. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Bakery in Harlow near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the UK Foodie.


1A Broad Walk
+44 1279 450549
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TH Harlow

+44 7587 392479

Inga’s Bakery

1 Stone Cross
+44 7783 699222
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Brick Lane Bagel Co. (Harlow)

Harvey Centre Approach
+44 1279 219350
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Couzens Bakery and Coffee Lounge

Ground Floor, 6a Harvey Centre Approach
+44 1279 416807

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