Gastropub in Bath

Cafe Restaurant Bar/Bath/Gastropub in Bath

Our directory includes 6 Gastropub in Bath. We only list verified local companies in Bath. The mission of our website is to facilitate the search for local businesses. Find a Gastropub in Bath near you. Addresses, phone numbers, social media - all information on the UK Foodie.

The Stag Inn

High St
+44 1225 723456

Wheelwrights Arms Country Inn & Pub

Church Ln
+44 1225 722287
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Bathampton Mill Bath

Mill Ln
+44 1225 469758
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Garrick’s Head

7-8, St John's Pl
+44 1225 318368
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The Marlborough Tavern Bath

35 Marlborough Buildings
+44 1225 423731
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The Charlcombe Inn

The Charlcombe Inn
+44 1225 421995
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